Guillermo Gomez

Founder & President

As a founding partner of Gomez-Hall Associates, Guillermo Gomez has over 40 years of experience in fisheries management and policy and seafood operations and marketing, specializing in global tuna issues. He has a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) in Mexico City, a Master’s in Marine Affairs from the School of Marine and Environmental Affairs at the University of Washington in Seattle, and is HACCP certified.  In addition to his work with Gomez-Hall Associates, Guillermo has held several positions in the Ministry of Fisheries of Mexico, including Director of the Division of International Fisheries Policy and Advisor to the Minister. He also served as International Tuna Specialist for the Marine Stewardship Council in their Australia office; Coordinator for Strategic Planning at the Mexican National Bank for Fisheries and Ports (BANPESCA); and Vice-President for Business Development for a US/Mexico cannery toll packing venture.

More members

Peter Wessels
Fisheries Specialist
Samantha Farquhar
Fisheries Researcher & Spatial Analyst
Guadalupe Ruiz
Financial Analyst
Anny Barlow
Environmental, Social, and Governance Risk Manager
Salvador Montes
Seafood Operations Specialist
Eric Laschever
Environmental Attorney
José Ramón Hernández Goicoechea
In memory of our beloved colleague
Stacy Hall
Founder & Senior Fisheries Strategist

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