Guadalupe Ruiz

Financial Analyst

Guadalupe brings with her over 45 years of experience in the fields of finance, industry, insurance, and risk management, as well as automation of internal and external audit processes. She managed the Executive and Stockholder Boards of several public and privately held companies and held executive positions in Sofom ENR, Navistar, Peñoles Industriales Services, and many other top-tier financial and accounting consultancy firms. Her wide experience in multiple industries has provided a critical perspective assisting Gomez-Hall Associates in developing business cases and financial modeling for small-scale and industrial fisheries. She holds a degree in Accounting from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and two advanced degrees in Finance from the UNAM and the Tecnológico de Monterrey.

More members

Peter Wessels
Fisheries Specialist
Samantha Farquhar
Fisheries Researcher & Spatial Analyst
Guillermo Gomez
Founder & President
Anny Barlow
Environmental, Social, and Governance Risk Manager
Salvador Montes
Seafood Operations Specialist
Eric Laschever
Environmental Attorney
José Ramón Hernández Goicoechea
In memory of our beloved colleague
Stacy Hall
Founder & Senior Fisheries Strategist

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