Anny Barlow

Environmental, Social, and Governance Risk Manager

Anny Barlow’s current work focuses on forced labor issues at sea. She has extensive experience assisting
clients with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) risk mitigation strategy development, with a
focus on the mining, healthcare, and asset management sectors. She worked collaboratively with Fortune
500 and other multinational firms to raise ESG and reputational risk awareness, resulting in the adoption
of Western ESG risk standards by one of the largest Middle Eastern asset management funds. In addition,
she spent three commercial seasons fishing sockeye salmon in Bristol Bay, Alaska; was involved in beta
testing and wrote the training manual for cutting edge hydrographic mapping software adopted by the
U.S. Navy Submarine Force; and has been a freelance journalist and competitive kiteboarder.

More members

Peter Wessels
Fisheries Specialist
Samantha Farquhar
Fisheries Researcher & Spatial Analyst
Guadalupe Ruiz
Financial Analyst
Guillermo Gomez
Founder & President
Salvador Montes
Seafood Operations Specialist
Eric Laschever
Environmental Attorney
José Ramón Hernández Goicoechea
In memory of our beloved colleague
Stacy Hall
Founder & Senior Fisheries Strategist

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