We empower stakeholders to shape the future of fisheries

Providing innovative solutions to tuna fisheries problems

Our Story

Founded in Mexico City in 1987 and currently operating out of Seattle, Washington, Gomez-Hall Associates is a boutique fisheries consultancy specializing in risk management and sustainability strategies for stakeholders in the world’s tuna fisheries.  With decades of experience in seafood sustainability, fisheries management, and seafood processing and marketing, Gomez-Hall Associates puts its in-depth knowledge and extensive contact network to work to provide the impact you seek for people, planet, and profit.

In the multi-billion-dollar tuna industry, a deeper understanding of both the details that matter and the larger context means better decision making.  Knowing the right people to talk to opens opportunities.  We help you navigate the complex dynamics of the tuna world to achieve your goals, whether you are a fishing, processing, marketing, or retail tuna business, or a fisheries manager, NGO, or tuna funding organization.

And our expertise doesn’t stop at tuna fisheries. We bring the same creative approach to small- and large-scale fisheries the world over, from shrimp, salmon, and octopus to anchovies, groundfish, and many other species.

“I find fisheries, and especially the tuna world, fascinating. After 40+ years, I still learn something new every day.”
Guillermo Gomez
Founder & President

Projects completed on time & in budget


Of our work is
by personal referral


Countries we've
worked in

Recent Milestones

Publication of our landmark research on tuna Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs)

The journal Coastal Management published our paper advocating a sea change in management of tuna FADs

November 2020
Strategic Regional Fishery Management Organization (RFMO) guidance

Continued strategic advice to the Mexican government and industry for participation in Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) meetings

Bay of Bengal tuna business case

Completed a study of small-scale tuna fisheries in India for the World Bank

August 2018
Led a successful MSC certification process

Provided technical and strategic advice leading to achievement of MSC certification for the Mexican tuna purse seine fishery

July 2017

We’re your fisheries strategy team

Meet our principals and multidisciplinary team of fisheries experts

Meet the team

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