Non-Tuna Fisheries

In addition to our focus on international tuna fisheries, we provide expertise and services for a variety of clients across the world’s small-scale artisanal and commercial fisheries.

Past projects have focused on improvements to harvesting, processing and marketing of many species besides tunas. These include shrimp (wild and aquaculture), salmon (wild and aquaculture), octopus, squid, groundfish species, sea urchins, scallops, sardines, anchovies, and others. Working in many countries with clients ranging from artisanal fishermen in remote locations to major international seafood retailers, Gomez-Hall Associates brings clients up to speed on critical industry dynamics and provides clear solutions to the complex problems of seafood procurement, sustainability, market economics, management regulations, community impacts, and more.

Collaborating with our network of key associates, Gomez-Hall Associates can also offer expertise in labor/human rights issues at sea, port development, shipbuilding and ship repair, fishing access and joint venture negotiations, fishing vessel design, and ocean shipping logistics.

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